Feudal Earldom of Dunbar
become the 13th Feudal Earl of Dunbar
Comes with your own Crest
Lots of history comes with this title on a USB Flash Drive
I am the current holder being the 12th Feudal Earl of Dunbar.
The new holder will be the 13th Feudal Earl of Dunbar.
The title will be registered on the two following platforms:
Manorial Society of England and Wales
The legal package consists of the following:
Deed of Conveyance signed and stamped by my company solicitor
Deed of Creation
Deed of Assignment
Manorial Certificate
Verification Certificate
Statement of Truth (regarding the in-depth research)
To Whom It May Concern Letter which enables the holder to place this title on to their official documents such as passport and bank cards.
For details/to order please email: info@officialmanorialtitleregister.co.uk